The Town of Osgood’s pipeline is constructed along rights of way, which are long, narrow stretches of land designating a safe and clear corridor for the pipeline. A Right of Way Agreement or Pipeline Easement is a legal document through which the property owner grants the pipeline company permission to use a portion of his or her land to install, operate, and maintain its pipeline facilities. It also provides the company with access rights to and over the rights of way, so employees may inspect and maintain the pipeline after it is built. The Town of Osgood regularly maintains the rights of way along its pipeline systems to ensure the pipeline remains safe and to protect the area’s ecological balance.
To ensure pipeline integrity
- Do not erect buildings or any other structures on the pipeline right of way.
- Do not plant trees or place any other obstructions on the right of way.
- Do not excavate, change the grade, or impound water within the right of way without approval.
Although building on the right of way is prohibited, under certain conditions, the pipeline may be crossed by roads, railroads, streets, cables, and utility lines. In these instances, the Town of Osgood will work with the owner and developer to accommodate construction. The owner or developer will be required to pay any costs necessary to ensure that the pipeline continues to meet all regulations under the new conditions.
If you are planning an excavation of any type, please call Indiana One Call at 1-800-382-5544 and one of our representatives will locate the line for you at no charge.
If you are a landowner and would like more information or need to report a suspected emergency or other issue involving the pipeline, please contact Town of Osgood at (812) 689-4240.
Street Superintendent: Steve Wilhoit
Street Assistant: Tim Kreutzjans - Qualifications